Product Code: P717
ISBN: 9780881469660
Price: $25.00
From fostering a deep appreciation for other cultures and human experiences to becoming more empathetic, self-assured, generous, open-minded, reflective, adaptable, and analytical, while gaining a deeper understanding of one's identity and culture, studying abroad has left an indelible mark on Mercer University students.
Product Code: HH1053
ISBN: 9780881469677
Price: $45.00
This is the story of Morehouse College, which still fosters the idea that black men can be educated for stewardship and service not only to their communities but to the world. The beliefs and dreams of the founders of Augusta Theological Institute in 1867 have developed into a world-class institution of higher education.
Product Code: P718
ISBN: 9780881469684
Availability: Not currently available. ( Backorder policy)
Price: $20.00
In 2022 the symposium, "Glad Reunion: Celebrating the Ministry and Legacy of John R. Claypool," was held at the Cresent Hill Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. Many attended the event, underlining the effect that the life and preaching of John Claypool still has on people. AS YOU GO, REMEMBER: SELECTED SERMONS OF JOHN CLAYPOOL emerged, in part, out of this symposium.
Product Code: HH1054
ISBN: 9780881469691
Availability: Not currently available. ( Backorder policy)
Price: $45.00
R. William Johnstone examines Wyche Fowler's career in winning election to and serving in the U.S. House and Senate, including his pivotal role in the Nicaragua Contra war and the 1990 budget summit. The Georgian served as a coalition-builder and negotiator, playing important roles in passing such landmark bills as the Social Security Amendments of 1983, the Tax Reform Act of 1986, and the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. Highlighted are examples of Fowler's well-known storytelling, which has been a major part of his efforts to reach out and bond with others, including constituents and colleagues.
Product Code: P719
ISBN: 9780881469615
Availability: Not currently available. ( Backorder policy)
Price: $35.00
In the years prior to the Civil War, a small fleet of sailing vessels plied the waters of the southeastern coast between lower South Carolina and northeastern Florida, transporting cargoes between the port of Savannah and the small port towns and plantations of the region. This story of the little studied local coasting trade shows its vital role in the coastal plantation economy and its importance in Southern maritime history.