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Eugene W. Stetson
By author: Adrienne Moore Bond
Product Code: H065
ISBN: 9780865540699
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
This book details the life of Eugene W. Stetson, including his persistence in traditional Southern morals and values as the nation moved into the twentieth century.

The Healer-Prophet William Marrion Branham : A Study of the Prophetic in American Pentecostalism
By author: C. Douglas Weaver
Product Code: P211
ISBN: 9780865547100
Product Format: Paperback
Print on Demand title
Price: $25.00
QTY: More Info
This study of William Marrion Branham’s ministry reveals much about the healing methodology of deliverance evangelists. Branham’s theology of healing highlights the widely accepted role of evangelists as mediators between God and the afflicted. In addition, some of his methods are still commonly practiced in healing revivalism. The dynamic growth of Pentecostalism in the twentieth century is a major feature of the modern religious scene. From its beginning, divine healing was recognized as a critical element of the Pentecostal movement. Branham is acknowledged as a leader of the healing revival movement. Although little known outside of the Pentecostal movement, his work had tremendous influence on the "prophetic" identity claimed by his contemporaries, today’s televagelists, and the whole of Pentecostalism itself.

Life In Dixie during the War
Edited by: J. H. Segar   By author: Mary A. H. Gay
Product Code: P213
ISBN: 9780865547490
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $30.00
Mercer University Press proudly revives this acclaimed real-life account of what the fictional Scarlett O’Hara saw. Life in Dixie During the War, first published in 1892, ranks among the best first-person accounts of the American Civil War. Mary A. H. Gay eloquently recounts her wartime experiences in Georgia and bears witness to the “suffering and struggle, defeat and despair, triumph, and hope that is human history.”

God's Capitalist : Asa Candler of Coca-Cola
By author: Kemp
Product Code: H589
ISBN: 9780865547827
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $35.00
QTY: More Info
Asa Candler of Coca-Cola is an examination of the life of an entrepreneur who saw his personal wealth as a divine trust to be used to the benefit of humanity.

Thomas R. R. Cobb: The Making of a Southern Nationalist
By author: William B. McCash
Product Code: P283
ISBN: 9780865548589
Product Format: Paperback
Print on Demand title
Price: $30.00
QTY: More Info
Thomas R. R. Cobb (1823-1862), a Georgia jurist who, perhaps more than any other one person, influenced the form that the “second revolution” took in Georgia (1860-1861), has been described as a prototype of a Southern intellectual. A product of the “Old South,” Cobb’s influence upon national events (up to and during the Civil War, especially in Georgia) was considerable. Cobb was a “representative Southerner” whose ideas “expressed the trends then current in Southern thought.” This investigation of the life and influence of Thomas R. R. Cobb provides significant insight into the attitudes of his time. Cobb’s multifaceted involvements--in legal, educational, and moral reform; revivalism; the “positive good defense” of slavery; secession; and the Civil War--make him a doubly interesting important figure worthy of serious investigation. The present study is just such a serious, well-researched, and well-written investigation of Cobb, and amply provides further insight into the life and times of that “Late Great Unpleasantness” (secession and Civil War) that is such an important part of the history of the United States.

The Spirit Divided : Memoirs of Civil War Chaplains—The Confederacy
Product Code: H687
ISBN: 9780865549647
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $35.00
QTY: More Info
In this anthology of Civil War memoirs, we get a clearer impression of some of the chaplains who served during that Great Conflict. Chaplains were among the most omnipresent observers on the battlefield, and some wrote extensively about their experiences. Eighty-seven of the 3,695 chaplains who served in both armies wrote regimental histories or published personal memoirs, not counting a multitude of letters and more than 300 official reports. Yet, there has never been an extensive collection of memoirs from chaplains of both the Confederate and Union armies presented together. In this groundbreaking work, many of the Confederate chaplains write that they opposed secession and submitted to it only when war was inevitable. Moreover, some of the ministers who became chaplains were active in ministry to black slaves. They spoke out against the neglect and abuse of those held in bondage both before and during the war. For example, Reverend John L. Girardeau formed a large mission church for slaves in Charleston, South Carolina, before the war; Reverend Isaac Tichenor criticized the abuses of the slave system before the Alabama Legislature in 1863; and Chaplain Charles Oliver preached to black laborers in the Army of Northern Virginia in 1864 with the thought that more needed to be done for them. While these efforts may appear trivial in the face of the enormity of the entire slave system, they do reflect that a social conscience was not completely lacking among the Southern chaplains. From the battlefield to the pulpit, Confederate chaplains were surprising and complex individuals. For the first time, explore this aspect of the great struggle in each chaplain’s own words.

The Spirit Divided : Memoirs of Civil War Chaplains-The Union
Product Code: H715
ISBN: 9780865549968
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $35.00
QTY: More Info
The Spirit Divided is a collection of letters, reports, and recollections in which Union army chaplains describe their motives and methods, their failures and achievements. Some threw away their somber black uniforms and became dashing staff officers. Scorning these “chaplains militant,” others were, in the words of a battlefield journalist, “bearers of the cup of cold water and the word of good cheer.

The Sicilian Judge: Anthony Alaimo, an American Hero
By author: Vincent Coppola
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H768
ISBN: 9780881461251
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $30.00
QTY: More Info
A mother's love, religious faith, and ferocious patriotism transform an impoverished immigrant boy into one of the Greatest Generation heroes. This book takes us inside the incandescent life and tumultuous times of Judge Anthony Alaimo, WWII bomber pilot, POW, and indomitable escape artist, whose ?delity to the law is equaled by his compassion and outrage at injustice

The Life and Letters of Emily Chubbuck Judson: Volume 2; 1826–1845
Edited by: George H. Tooze
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H783
ISBN: 9780881461497
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
Emily Chubbick Judson (1817–1854) was a nationally known writer (her pseudonym was Fanny Forrester) with pieces appearing alongside those by Edgar Allan Poe and Walt Whitman, and she walked in literary company second to none. Volume 2 consists of the early letters Emily Chubbick Judson from the years 1836 through 1845.

Loving Beyond Your Theology: The Life and Ministry of Jimmy Raymond Allen
By author: Larry L. McSwain
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H805
ISBN: 9780881462050
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
Jimmy Allen served as the last “moderate” president of the Southern Baptist Convention concluding his second term in 1979, the first year of the emergence of a new “fundamentalist” leadership of the convention. His life parallels the movement of Baptists in the South from a folk people rooted in a predominantly rural ethos into an urban, increasingly educated, and diverse people.

Christmas Gift!
By author: Ferrol Sams
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H810
ISBN: 9780881462111
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
Interweaving his memories of boyhood Christmases in the dark days of the Depression and the details of present-day holidays with his grandchildren, Ferrol Sams demonstrates the deep, inescapable role of rituals in our lives and the importance of passing them on to each succeeding generation. Includes audio CD read by the author.

The Tifts of Georgia: Connecticut Yankees in King Cotton’s Court
By author: John Fair
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H817
ISBN: 9780881462180
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
The Tifts of Georgia is richly illustrated with charts, maps, and original photographs. This history of an important Georgia family should be of special interest to professional and amateur historians, sociologists, cultural anthropologists, and genealogists.

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