
Displaying 73 - 84 of 199 results
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Georgia’s Confederate Monuments: In Honor of a Fallen Nation
By author: Gould B. Hagler Jr.
Product Code: H877
ISBN: 9780881464665
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $45.00
GEORGIA'S CONFEDERATE MONUMENTS is the product of two decades of work, during which time the author has traveled throughout the state to photograph the memorials to the men and women of the Confederate States of America, to study their inscriptions, and to document information about their construction.

Buttermilk and Bible Burgers: More Stories from the Kitchens of Appalachia
By author: Fred W. Sauceman
Product Code: P481
ISBN: 9780881464795
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $21.00
In his latest collection of writings about the foodways of the Appalachian region, Fred W. Sauceman guides readers through country kitchens and church fellowship halls, across pasture fields and into smokehouses, down rows of vegetable gardens at the peak of the season and alongside ponds resonant with the sounds of a summer night. The scenes and subjects are oftentimes uniquely personal, and they combine to tell a love story, a chronicle of one person’s affection for a region and its people, its products, and its places. BUTTERMILK AND BIBLE BURGERS is most of all an expression of gratitude for the persistence of the people who feed us.

The Pinkest Party on Earth: Macon Georgia's International Cherry Blossom Festival
By author: Ed Grisamore
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P482
ISBN: 9780881464801
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
In his ninth book, THE PINKEST PARTY ON EARTH, Macon newspaper columnist Ed Grisamore tells the story of how a city wraps itself in pink each spring and has become the cherry blossom capital of the world, with more than 300,000 flowering cherry trees.

The Warm Springs Story: Legacy & Legend
By author: F. Martin Harmon
Product Code: H879
ISBN: 9780881464726
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
From Native American legends to resort era beginnings, from direct involvement by the elite families of West Georgia to Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s forty-one visits to his adopted state, and from the amazing polio generation and one of mankind’s most significant accomplishments to near closure, rebirth, and a myriad of what-might-have-beens. This is the complete story of Warm Springs, a story of pioneer beginnings and regional development, state and federal political intrigue, romantic suspicions and questionable ethics, social causes and lasting initiatives, civil and disability rights, medical origins and heartwarming success stories. It’s a compilation of individual stories that have never been told before.

The Flower Hunter and the People: William Bartram in the Native American Southeast
Edited by: Matthew Jennings
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P485
ISBN: 9780881464832
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $19.00
William Bartram has rightly been hailed as an astute, perceptive chronicler of Native American societies. In some ways he was able to see beyond the dominant ideologies of his day, some of which divided the world’s peoples into categories based on perceived savagism and civility. This was a noble effort, and worthy of praise more than two centuries later. Bartram could also use Native American civilization as a foil for an emerging white American society he saw as crass and grasping. Writing in this romantic mode, he was capable of downplaying the extent to which Native communities were fully part of the modern world that they and European invaders created together.

The Old South: A Brief History with Documents
By author: David Williams
Product Code: P486
ISBN: 9780881464849
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
THE OLD SOUTH: A BRIEF HISTORY WITH DOCUMENTS sheds new light on the people and events that shaped the South. It deftly shows how the South’s diverse people interacted with each other in ways that affect the region and the nation to this day. Each chapter is accompanied by historical documents that illuminate the South’s people in intimate and telling ways.

Last to Join the Fight:The 66th Georgia Infantry
By author: Daniel Cone
Product Code: H882
ISBN: 9780881464757
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $29.00
More than five dozen regiments from Georgia fought for the Southern Confederacy; one of these was the 66th Georgia Infantry. Raised and commanded by early-war veteran James Cooper Nisbet, the 66th assembled at Macon in summer 1863, suffered through a winter of discontent in Dalton, charged into enemy fire at Peach Tree Creek and Atlanta, and slogged through the rain and mud of Franklin and Nashville before surrendering. LAST TO JOIN THE FIGHT offers not a noble epic about valiant fighting men, but rather the bloody-ground truths about the Civil War from the vantage point of those who entered it towards the end.

House Proud: A Social History of Atlanta Interiors, 1880-1919
By author: Lori Eriksen Rush
Product Code: H883
ISBN: 9780881464764
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $45.00
From middle-class cottages to Gilded Age mansions, HOUSE PROUD: A SOCIAL HISTORY OF ATLANTA INTERIORS, 1880-1919 presents a view of Atlanta, reflected through the city’s most highly prized resource, its homes. Richly illustrated with archival photographs and annotated with historical commentary, HOUSE PROUD traces Atlanta’s response to national trends in interiors and furnishings. It also identifies the tastemakers—those architects and interior decorators who helped craft Atlanta’s image as a “City of Beautiful Homes.”

It Is Written: My Life in Letters
By author: Philip Lee Williams
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H886
ISBN: 9780881464931
Availability: In stock
Price: $29.00
Filled with colorful details and rich with photographs of the author's life, It Is Written is a beautifully written page-turner about how one person turns the raw materials of life into art. Over a thirty-year career as a published author of fiction, poetry, and essays, Philip Lee Williams has become one of the South's most-honored writers. Now, Williams tells the story of his creative life in an open, jaunty, and often hilarious autobiography.

Tigers in the Tempest: Savannah State University and the Struggle for Civil Rights
By author: F. Erik Brooks
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H887
ISBN: 9780881464948
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
Savannah State University is Georgia's oldest public historically black university. From its inception as the black land grant college in1890, the roots of black activism were a core element of the school's existence. In this provocative exploration of the issues of race, politics, and higher education in Savannah, Georgia, Brooks unveils how Georgia's political climate affected the growth and progression at Savannah State University. Brooks interweaves local, state, national politics, the history of the university, and the Civil Rights movement as a backdrop to showcase Savannah State University students' participation in the struggle for equality from the institution's beginning in 1890 to the election of Barack Obama as the first African American president of the United States in 2008.

Rebel Yell: An Oral History of Southern Rock
By author: Michael Buffalo Smith   Foreword by: Alan Walden
Product Code: P490
ISBN: 9780881464955
Availability: In stock
Price: $24.00
Rebel Yell: An Oral History of Southern Rock presents the story of a musical genre born in the backwoods, highways, and swamps of Macon, Georgia, and Jacksonville, Florida, in 1969 and peaking in popularity during the 1970s. This history of Southern rock is told by the musicians, roadies, fans, and recording industry folk who lived it. Drawn from literally hundreds of hours of interviews with the author, the book focuses on the "big four"--The Allman Brothers Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd, The Marshall Tucker Band, and The Charlie Daniels Band--while delving into the careers of other great bands like The Outlaws, Bonnie Bramlett, Cowboy, Wet Willie, and Molly Hatchet. The story is enhanced by the photography of Kirk West, Bill Thames, and others, and includes many never-before-published images. Also included are a series of "Top 20" lists--including the best Southern rock vocalists, guitarists, songs, and more.

In Subjection: Church Discipline in the Early American South, 1760–1830
By author: Jessica Madison
Product Code: H890
ISBN: 9780881465006
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
This study of church discipline cases describes a system of subjection with obligations for all--men, women, parents, children, masters, and servants. Although many historians have mistaken this for "oppression," most Southerners accepted the idea of "subjection," regarding it as a divinely ordained system for their mutual governance and benefit. Complete with a map and statistical tables, this book argues that church discipline bound everyone together in mutual subjection to a shared code of conduct rather than empowering white men exclusively with a position of authority over others.

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