Product Code: P349
ISBN: 9780865549890
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $40.00
For centuries the Jewish community in Europe possessed a copy of Matthew in the Hebrew language. The Jews' use of this document during the Middle Ages is imperfectly known. Occasionally excerpts from it appeared in polemical writings against Christianity. By the end of the fourteenth century, however, the entire Hebrew Gospel appeared in the polemical treatise Even Bonham, by the Spanish writer Shem-Tob ben -Isaac ben- Shaprut.
An important thrust to this volume is to establish that the Hebrew Matthew of the Even Bohan predates the fourteenth century. It shares many readings with ancient Christian writings, some of which were lost in antiquity only to reappear in modern times. These included Codex Sinaiticus, the Old Syriac version, the Coptic Gospel of Thomas, and a host of others. It also analyzes the language, artistic touches, and theology of the Hebrew Gospel.
Product Code: P412
ISBN: 9780881462043
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $35.00
Christianity: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Guide for Students is specifically designed to be used as a textbook for a course called “Introduction to Christianity.” The text is the product of more than a decade of classroom work and will provide students with a general introduction to the Christian religion, giving particular emphasis to the biblical, historical, and theological traditions within Christianity. In addition to its primary purpose as a textbook, this book will prove useful to anyone who may be interested in Christianity, from non-Christian inquirers to lay persons in weekly Sunday-school classes.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P416
ISBN: 9780881462234
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $18.00
Well-known preacher and literary scholar John Killinger has combined his talents to provide a revolutionary study of the Gospel of Mark. On the basis of textual patterns he discovered in a Gospel long believed to be “naive” and “unstudied,” Killinger reveals evidence that the two calming-of-the-sea stories traditionally regarded as miracles are actually post-resurrection stories. This explanation not only accounts for the absence of such stories at the end of the Gospel, where the other Gospels place them, but suggests that Mark might actually be a Gnostic document, as the Gnostics believed in the resurrection of Jesus but did not emphasize his physical resurrection.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P627
ISBN: 9780881468113
Price: $35.00
Weaving together input from six experts in the fields of Bible, Church History, and Theology, CHRISTIANITY introduces learners to the practices, traditions, beliefs, and scriptures of the Christian faith. This expanded and updated edition tells Christianity's growth from humble origins to becoming the world's largest religion.
Product Code: P346
ISBN: 9780881461053
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $23.00
When John Smyth organized the first Baptist church, he wanted to establish the New Testament church; believer's baptism was the missing link. Baptists of subsequent eras often continued the search to embody “New Testament Christianity.” Alongside the quest for the New Testament church (and congregational community), Weaver especially highlights the Baptist commitment to religious liberty and the individual conscience. Both chronological and thematic, this book addresses such themes as the role of women, the social gospel, ecumenism, charismatic influences, and theological emphases in Baptist life.