Publisher: Mercer Uniersity Press
Product Code: HH1041
ISBN: 9780881469165
Price: $60.00
Volume XI specifically illustrates the presence of Nova Scotia Baptists in the transatlantic community. In the historical introduction, Roger Prentice informatively demonstrates the theological and polity formation of a congregation made up of planters and the next generations. How the Baptist movement came to be in Canada is Wolfville's story: it is the oldest continuing Baptist congregation in Canada.
Product Code: HH1049
ISBN: 9780881469547
Price: $60.00
With the publication of the twelfth and final volume of the Baptists in Early North America series, the editors present the historical works of one of the leading Baptists of the eighteenth century. Morgan Edwards was a pastor, scholar, and a builder of institutions (Rhode Island College, later Brown University).