
Displaying 193 - 204 of 204 results
Bill Clinton at the Church of Baseball: The Presidency, Civil Religion, and the National Pastime in the 1990s
By author: Chris Birkett
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P683
ISBN: 9780881469127
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
BILL CLINTON AT THE CHURCH OF BASEBALL reveals how the President of the United States deployed the mythology of America's national pastime in the exercise of political power. It demonstrates how he exploited the intimate relationship between two sacred, but fallible American institutions, the presidency and Major League Baseball, to shape some of the most fiercely contested debates of the 1990s.

Baptists and Gender: Papers for the Ninth International Conference on Baptist Studies
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P684
ISBN: 9780881469134
Availability: In stock
Price: $40.00
As a compilation of twenty-three papers prepared for the Ninth International Conference on Baptist Studies, this volume is broad in scope. Although the conference was not held due to COVID-19, this book presents the findings prepared for it, with chapters from Baptists in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and Oceania. It thus augments scholarly perspectives on Christianity and gender, including insights on exemplary Baptist women leaders, the diversity of global Baptist gender roles, and Baptist constructions of masculinity.

Governing Oneself and Others: On Xenophon of Athens
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P693
ISBN: 9780881469264
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
Xenophon (430-354 BCE) was a man of many modes: follower of Socrates, Athenian General, friend to Sparta, philosopher, political theorist, military historian, and writer. This collection of essays explores his writings across three genres, all of which he blends into one another: philosophical dialogue, political theory, and history. This collection is based on the 2022 A.V. Elliott Conference on Great Books and Ideas, sponsored by The Thomas C. and Ramon E. McDonald Center for America's Founding Principles at Mercer University.

The Contestable Church: Dissent, Democracy, and Baptist Ecclesiology
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P694
ISBN: 9780881469271
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
THE CONTESTABLE CHURCH offers a positive witness to the peace of God that is the horizon for conflict and invites Baptists to the practice of vigorous dissent for the sake of living faithfully. Instead of revealing a dissolution into chaos, dissent is an expression of hope that Christians are a pilgrim people for whom a vulnerable and challenging intimacy leads the way home.

Why Study Baptists? A Festschrift to Bill J. Leonard
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P695
ISBN: 9780881469288
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
If festschrifts celebrate a person for their life's work, few are more worthy of the honor than Bill J. Leonard. WHY STUDY BAPTISTS? features eleven essays by friends, colleagues, and former students that bear witness to Leonard's "style". These essays explore topics ranging from race and spirituality to Appalachian religion, and religious freedom. If one detects a familiar ring, it is because those are broad themes that reflect Bill Leonard's career.

Striking Features: Psychoanalysis and Racial Passing Narratives
By author: Donavan L. Ramon
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P696
ISBN: 9780881469301
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
How does psychoanalysis animate racial passing and how does racial passing inspire psychoanalysis? Despite long-held beliefs that the two have nothing in common, Donavan L. Ramon poses that psychoanalysis is relevant for understanding the reasons behind jumping the color line. The monograph concludes with a meditation on today's ineffective language of race, which hinders racial progress.

In Search of the New Testament Church : The Baptist Story
By author: C. Douglas Weaver
Product Code: P346
ISBN: 9780881461053
Product Format: Paperback
Print on Demand title
Price: $23.00
QTY: More Info
When John Smyth organized the first Baptist church, he wanted to establish the New Testament church; believer's baptism was the missing link. Baptists of subsequent eras often continued the search to embody “New Testament Christianity.” Alongside the quest for the New Testament church (and congregational community), Weaver especially highlights the Baptist commitment to religious liberty and the individual conscience. Both chronological and thematic, this book addresses such themes as the role of women, the social gospel, ecumenism, charismatic influences, and theological emphases in Baptist life.

Baptists in Early North America–Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Volume XI
Edited by: Roger H. Prentice   Series edited by: William H. Brackney
Publisher: Mercer Uniersity Press
Product Code: HH1041
ISBN: 9780881469165
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
Volume XI specifically illustrates the presence of Nova Scotia Baptists in the transatlantic community. In the historical introduction, Roger Prentice informatively demonstrates the theological and polity formation of a congregation made up of planters and the next generations. How the Baptist movement came to be in Canada is Wolfville's story: it is the oldest continuing Baptist congregation in Canada.

Baptists in Early North America–The Historical Works of Morgan Edwards, Volume XII
Edited by: Evan L. Colford   Series edited by: William H. Brackney
Product Code: HH1049
ISBN: 9780881469547
Availability: In stock
Price: $60.00
With the publication of the twelfth and final volume of the Baptists in Early North America series, the editors present the historical works of one of the leading Baptists of the eighteenth century. Morgan Edwards was a pastor, scholar, and a builder of institutions (Rhode Island College, later Brown University).

The Theology of Paul Tillich: Contexts and Key Issues
By author: Christian Danz
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P703
ISBN: 9780881469523
Availability: In stock
Price: $30.00
THE THEOLOGY OF PAUL TILLICH examines Tillich's main theological work, the three-volume Systematic Theology, against the background of Tillich's developing theological thought since his studies around 1900.

Reading Kierkegaard Devotionally
By author: Jamie Lorentzen
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P704
ISBN: 9780881469554
Availability: In stock
Price: $16.00
Reading devotionally--reading to recall sacred text in ways that call the reader to respond ethically to that text--runs contrary to reading habits of many scholars and lay readers of Søren Kierkegaard. As much as Jamie Lorentzen attends to devotional reading habits in this book, he writes for readers to whom Kierkegaard himself attended, namely, individuals navigating innately human crossroads of existence where nihilism, religious skepticism, and religious belief meet.

Natural Man, Citizen, Philosopher: The Political Philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Edited by: Will R. Jordan
Product Code: P714
ISBN: 9780881469622
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
The eight essays in this volume were first presented at the 2023 A.V. Elliott Conference on Great Books and Ideas, the fifteenth annual conference sponsored by Mercer University's Thomas C. and Ramona E. McDonald Center for America’s Founding Principles. The volume explores the political philosophy of Jean-Jacques Rousseau.