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International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 9 & 10: Prefaces and Writing Sampler and Three Discourses on Imagined Occasions
Product Code: H716
ISBN: 9780881460216
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $50.00
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International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 17: Christian Discourses and The Crisis and A Crisis in the Life of an Actress
Product Code: H723
ISBN: 9780881460315
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $50.00
QTY: More Info
Christian Discouses contains some of Kierkegaard’s most constructive religious and social thought, founded on his deepening appreciation of the ambiguity of our common human situation before a loving yet commanding God. Christian Discourses is a collection of provocative arguments and insights which should redefine the approach to Kierkegaard’s “attack on Christendom” and provoke a useful debate about the significance of his “second literature.”

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 18: Without Authority
Product Code: H728
ISBN: 9780881460483
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $50.00
QTY: More Info

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 14: Two Ages: The Present Age and the Age of Revolution, A Literary Review
Product Code: H059
ISBN: 9780865540811
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: Not currently available. (Backorder policy)
Price: $50.00
QTY: More Info
International Kierkegaard Commentary: Two Ages is the first major work on Soren Kierkegaard’s Two Ages in any language, based upon the first complete English translation. This commentary shows not only how Kierkegaard broke new ground in the philosophy of society, but also how his ideas have, to some extent, influenced subsequent social philosophy, and how his concepts compare with and contrast to those of others such as Heidegger, Nietzsche, Scheler, and Weber.

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 4: Either/Or, II
Product Code: P371
ISBN: 9780881460926
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $40.00

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 24: The Book on Adler
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H770
ISBN: 9780881461275
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $50.00
QTY: More Info
The Book on Adler is Kierkegaard’s most revised manuscript, his longest unpublished book, and the book of which he left the most drafts. When he decided not to publish the book, he pulled a chapter (“The Difference between a Genius and an Apostle”) and published it in Two Ethical-Religious Essays (1849). All this rowing and backwatering show the complexity of his personal involvement in this book and concern for the person of Adler.

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 8: The Concept of Anxiety
Product Code: H133
ISBN: 9780865541429
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: Not currently available. (Backorder policy)
Price: $50.00
QTY: More Info
In this commentary eight recognized Kierkegaard scholars explore the sources and the continuing influence of the Concept of Anxiety. The Dane’s debt to Augustine, Kant, and Schelling, his debate with Hegel and the overarching system of Idealism, and his intellectual legacy to modern thinkers like Martin Heidegger are analyzed and evaluated.

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 13: The Corsair Affair
Product Code: H301
ISBN: 9780865543638
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: Not currently available. (Backorder policy)
Price: $50.00
QTY: More Info
In late 1845 Soren Kierkegaard began a literary duel with the satiric Danish review The Corsair that had momentous effects on his life and work. Three of the articles included in this commentary address Kierkegaard’s relation to the press. One is an expository article written within the terms of Kierkegaard’s own views, while two others place the affair in the context of a Marxist critique of modern media. Two papers address the issue of the comic. One essay attempts to sort through the interpersonal relationships. Finally, two articles treat matters not related to the Corsair Affair but to other newspaper articles published in the volume.

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 6: Fear and Trembling and Repetition
Product Code: H331
ISBN: 9780865544086
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: Not currently available. (Backorder policy)
Price: $50.00
QTY: More Info
IKC 6 includes not only outstanding essays on the ever popular Fear and Trembling but is the first collection of essays to concentrate the talents of a number of scholars on Kierkegaard’s obscure book Repetition. Repetition indeed goes to the heart of the matter, to the core of human existence. Likewise, the commentators represented here lead us to the heart and core of the fundamental and existential concept of Repetition.

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 7: Philosophical fragments and Johannes Climacus
Product Code: H351
ISBN: 9780865544406
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: Not currently available. (Backorder policy)
Price: $50.00
QTY: More Info
The authors of the articles in this volume take up the issues discussed above along with many others. The cumulative effect of intellectually appropriating their efforts would be, first, an analysis of some of the crucial issues in logical theory, epistemology, personal identity theory, and religious language; and, second, a review of some further episodes in the history of philosophical theology offered here in a reversed chronological order. The contributors make no attempt to become edifying authors, but as one thinks philosophically one thinks about oneself, and that, Socratically, is to be edified.

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 3: Either/Or, I
Product Code: H360
ISBN: 9780865544703
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $50.00
QTY: More Info
The present collection of essays treats the issues raised in Either/Or in fresh and perceptive ways. Even where familiar themes are argued, the authors introduce innovative interpretive models, new approaches and new materials are appealed to, or new rebuttal arguments against previously held positions are offered. Several of the articles appropriate or criticize methods or insights derived from postmodernism and/or feminist philosophy.

International Kierkegaard Commentary Volume 12: Concluding Unscientific Postscript
Product Code: H430
ISBN: 9780865545755
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $50.00
QTY: More Info
Concluding Unscientific Postscript was published 28 February 1846, and this collection of essays, all written for the sesquicentennial, is offered in celebration of that singular event in the history of philosophy. Continuing the argument and analyses of a previous volume of IKC dedicated to Philosophical Fragments, this collection of essays focuses on the Postscript and undertakes to examine a number of Climacus’s arguments and views of classical and contemporary issues in philosophy.

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