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The Throne of Psyche: Poems
By author: Marly Youmans
Product Code: P422
ISBN: 9780881462326
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $18.00
In The Throne of Psyche, Marly Youmans sweeps back and forth between what is human and what is other, binding the two together or crossing the thresholds between them. A prize-winning writer of stories and novels, she pursues tales both otherworldly and earthy with passion and formal power in this eighth book, her second collection of poetry.

The Spiritual Presence in the Theology of Paul Tillich : Tillich's Use of St. Paul
By author: John Charles Cooper
Product Code: H440
ISBN: 9780865545359
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $35.00
QTY: More Info
This is a unique book that embraces three fields of study: systematic theology (Tillich), New Testament studies (Paul), of philosophy and religion (hermeneutic & Philosophical foundations).

Warm and Zealous Spirit, A: John J. Zubly and the American Revolution, A Selection of His Writings
Compiled by: Randall M. Miller   By author: Zubly, John J.
Product Code: H029
ISBN: 9780865540286
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
QTY: More Info
In the time of the American Revolution, pamphleteers were both popular and influential in American society. This collection of Georgia political pamphleteer John J. Zubly’s writings gives new insight into the thought and emotion behind Georgia’s participation in the American Revolution.

The Redemption of Narrative: Terry Tempest Williams and Her Vision of the West
By author: Jan Whitt
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H852
ISBN: 9780881463880
Availability: In stock
Price: $29.00
Author and environmental activist Terry Tempest Williams argues that a lack of connection to the land is the direct result of our failure to care intimately about one another. From PIECES OF WHITE SHELL: A JOURNEY TO NAVAJOLAND (1984) to WHEN WOMEN WERE BIRDS: FIFTY-FOUR VARIATIONS ON VOICE (2012), her writing is born in the red-hot fires of contradiction. A Mormon and a believer in the power of women, an activist and a solitary writer, a student of science and a woman of faith, Williams celebrates paradox and lives both on the page and in the world.

World Is Too Much With Us : Culture In Modern Protestant Missions
By author: Taber
Product Code: P287
ISBN: 9780865549296
Product Format: Paperback
Print on Demand title
Price: $25.00
QTY: More Info

Evangelization of The Roman Empire: Identity and Adaptability
By author: E. Glenn Hinson
Product Code: P048
ISBN: 9780865542440
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: Not currently available. (Backorder policy)
Price: $35.00
QTY: More Info
In a time when religious institutions are incessantly criticized, E. Glenn Hinson reminds us about the effectiveness of the institutions of the Christian church during the time of the Roman Empire and how they helped support the Christian mission maintain its identity while adapting to different cultures.

In His Own Words: Houston Hartsfield Holloway’s Slavery, Emancipation, and Ministry in Georgia
Product Code: H909
ISBN: 9780881465457
Product Format: Book
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
Houston Hartsfield Holloway (1844–1917) was born enslaved in upcountry Georgia, taught himself to read and write, learned the blacksmith trade, was emancipated by Union victory in 1865, and served as an ordained traveling preacher in the African Methodist Episcopal Church from 1870 to 1883. He devoted the remainder of his life to his family, his blacksmith trade, and his local church. Holloway’s 24,000-word autobiography offers a rare working-class perspective on life during some of the most transformative years of US history. Footnotes provide supplementary biographical information for nearly two hundred relatives, neighbors, friends, and coworkers named in Holloway’s narrative. An appendix includes nineteen extended biographical sketches. The book is illustrated with photographs and three detailed maps of Holloway’s home neighborhoods and preaching assignments.

Mary Bohlen's Heritage Cooking Inspired by Rebecca Boone
By author: Mary Bohlen
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P603
ISBN: 9780881467383
Availability: In stock
Price: $23.00
Mary Bohlen weaves together early American history, her memoirs of cooking at historic sites, more than 90 authentic colonial recipes, and instructions for today's cook to reproduce the foodways early Americans would recognize. MARY BOHLEN'S HERITAGE COOKING INSPIRED BY REBECCA BOONE gathers today's cooks and readers to the homes and dinner tables of their American ancestors.

Mercer Commentary on the New Testament
Edited by: Watson Mills
Product Code: P271
ISBN: 9780865548640
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00

Restless Fires: Young John Muir's Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf in 1867–68
By author: James B. Hunt
Product Code: P457
ISBN: 9780881463934
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $20.00
Restless Fires provides a detailed rendering of John Muir’s thousand-mile walk to the Gulf based on both manuscript and published accounts. Hunt particularly examines the development of Muir’s environmental thought as a young adult. This is one of the first books on John Muir’s thousand-mile walk that places his journey in the context of the Civil War and Reconstruction, to which Muir gave only passing witness.

Invisible Hero: Patrick R. Cleburne
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H756
ISBN: 9780881461084
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
Invisible Hero: Patrick R. Cleburne presents a level of detail that is unsurpassed in the study of this significant figure, focusing on the military and political aspects of his service while avoiding the social or personal sidelights found in a general biography. Battles and movements are explained in an objective light, exposing his triumphs as well as his failures, his assets as well as his shortcomings. The result has been an analysis of a man unappreciated by his own government, yet widely regarded as the finest infantry officer in the Western Theatre.

Shakespeare’s Prince: The Interpretation of the Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth
By author: Guy Story Brown
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H868
ISBN: 9780881464337
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $45.00
The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth is Shakespeare’s most thoughtful history play—it was about this play that Schlegel made his famous comment that “Shakespeare was as profound a historian as a poet.” Yet, this last play, Shakespeare’s lone Tudor history, was popular at its first playing and has proven a crowd pleaser whenever it has been performed. Ever seductive in its trappings of power and emphatic pomp and pageantry, it delineates in a political way the characters of England’s most surpassing statesman and her finest queen, as well as of the king thought most infamous of all by celebrated later English writers like Hazlitt and Dickens.

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