
Displaying 37 - 48 of 792 results
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Incidents in the Life of Cecilia Lawton: A Memoir of Plantation Life, War, and Reconstruction in Georgia and South Carolina
Edited by: Karen Stokes   Foreword by: James Everett Kibler
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H996
ISBN: 9780881467659
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
Cecilia Lawton's life was changed forever when the bloodiest war in American history began in 1861. The daughter of a wealthy Georgia plantation owner, she was married at the age of sixteen and went to live at her husband's plantation in South Carolina, but a few months later, she found herself fleeing from the army of General William T. Sherman as it ravaged the state. She observed the aftermath of this brutal campaign in Georgia and South Carolina, writing of what she saw in vivid, horrific detail. Told in her own words, this is the true story of Cecilia Lawton, a young woman who faced incredible challenges with determination and courage.

From a Race of Storytellers : Essays on the Ballad Novels of Sharyn McCrumb
Product Code: P261
ISBN: 9780865548930
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: Not currently available. (Backorder policy)
Price: $20.00
QTY: More Info
This book is a first-of-its-kind treatment of the ballad novels of Sharyn McCrumb. It contains articles and essays about all aspects of McCrumb’s work, including literary criticism, interpretation, and practical suggestions for teaching the ballad novels. Through essays written by fourteen different scholars of McCrumb’s fiction and one by McCrumb herself, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the real southern Appalachian mountains, not just the popular image.

The Melungeons : The Resurrection of a Proud People : An Untold Story of Ethnic Cleansing in America
Edited by: N. Brent Kennedy   By author: Robyn Vaughan Kennedy
Product Code: P143
ISBN: 9780865545168
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $17.95
The Melungeons shares the story of a people ravaged, and nearly destroyed, by the senseless excesses of racism and genocide, a people who were, a century ad a half later, crushed beneath the violent onslaught of unbridled Anglo jingoism. Recognizing the truth of who the Melungeons were, and are, will redefine our view of the settlement of this nation, and, more to the point, of our own self-identity. It will also render incomplete and possibly obsolete much of what has been written and preserved about our Southern ethnic heritage.

Gone With the Wind : The Three Day Premiere in Atlanta
By author: Herb Bridges
Product Code: P431
ISBN: 9780881462456
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $30.00
Gone With the Wind is one of the most beloved novels and movies of all time. Margaret Mitchell’s Pulitzer-Prize-winning novel has sold millions of copies world-wide and has been translated into numerous languages. This photographic essay contains photographs of the stars, of Atlanta before, during, and after the premiere event, and of the citizens of the city who turned out not just for the movie but for receptions, the premiere ball, and other events. From movie stars to horse-drawn carriages, from a transformed theater to Gone With the Wind merchandise, this is the book that takes you back to an event often neglected in the Gone With the Wind story.

Studying People: A Primer in the Ethics of Social Research
By author: Reece
Product Code: P028
ISBN: 9780865542211
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: Not currently available. (Backorder policy)
Price: $35.00
QTY: More Info
Whether the researcher is a "participant observer" in a strange religious sect, or conduction experiments on a specific segment of the population under contract with a government agency, or working as an employee of a nursing home in order to study the relationships between the patients and the staff, or a student surveying the attitudes of other students on a potentially volatile issue, or a school psychologist planning a long term study of student alcohol and drug abuse, both the methods and the uses of social research generate endless and and compelling ethical quandaries.

In the Beginning: The Martin Luther King Jr. International Chapel at Morehouse College
Edited by: Echol Nix Jr.   Foreword by: Hugh M. Gloster Jr.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H904
ISBN: 9780881465303
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00

In the Beginning highlights the history of the world’s largest religious memorial to the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. 

Inspired essays on education, social justice, nonviolence, peace, ecumenism, and civil and human rights are offered in honor of Lawrence Edward Carter, Sr., founding dean of the Martin Luther King, Jr. International Chapel.

This book is a lasting tribute and valuable contribution to the history and educational mission of Morehouse College.

Contributors include Lewis V. Baldwin, Thomas O. Buford, Delman L. Coates, Jason R. Curry, Norm Faramelli, Peter Goodwin Heltzel, Barbara Lewis King, Douglas E. Krantz, Bill J. Leonard, Otis A. Maxfield, Echol Nix, Jr., Harold Oliver, Peter Paris, Samuel K. Roberts, Prince El Hassan bin Talal, Harold Dean Trulear, Edward P. Wimberly, Vincent L. Wimbush, and Virgil Wood.

John Milton, Paradise Lost: The Biblically Annotated Edition
Edited by: Matthew Stallard   By author: John Milton
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P440
ISBN: 9780881462685
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $24.00
John Milton was arguable one of the best-read persons of his epoch. Milton's book reveals that in addition to the thoroughly humanistic education he received at Trinity College Cambridge, he also conducted an extensively broad reading program of his own. This biblically annotated edition of Paradise Lost will be useful to scholars and students of Milton alike.

Taking Kierkegaard Personally: First Person Responses
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P609
ISBN: 9780881467703
Availability: In stock
Price: $38.00
TAKING KIERKEGAARD PERSONALLY is a one-of-a-kind volume in which scholars from the world over address personal, existential lessons that Kierkegaard has taught them. Papers were selected from the June 2018 International Kierkegaard Conference, sponsored by the Howard V. and Edna H. Hong Kierkegaard Library at St. Olaf College. The Conference's prompt--The Wisdom of Kierkegaard: What Existential Lessons Have You Learned from Him?--compelled scholars to drop their guards and write primarily in first person narrative instead of standard third person scholarly/professorial narrative.

Distinctively Baptist: Essays on Baptist History: A Festschrift in Honor of Walter B. Shurden
Edited by: Marc A Jolley
Product Code: H640
ISBN: 9780865547704
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $45.00
This collection of essays centered on different aspects of Baptist History is presented as a tribute to Walter B. “Buddy” Shurden, church historian, teacher, preacher, author, Baptist apologist. The essays cover international, national, and local aspects of Baptist History. Contributors include historians from the US, UK, and Canada.

Sherman's 1864 Trail of Battle to Atlanta
By author: Philip Secrist
Product Code: P220
ISBN: 9780865547452
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $24.00
In Sherman’s 1864 Trail of Battle to Atlanta the author traces the principal routes of march and sites of battle used by the Confederate and Union armies in the 120-day Atlanta Campaign. Exact location of events along the way have been identified through the recovery of military artifacts on the site and through comparing terrain features described in battle reports with the site today.

“I Will Give Them One More Shot:” Ramsey’s 1st Regiment Georgia Volunteers
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H818
ISBN: 9780881462197
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $45.00
Beginning with the tumultuous events leading to Georgia's secession from the Union, “I Will Give Them One More Shot” follows the 1st Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, commanded by Colonel James N. Ramsey, as it travels from its formation at Macon, Georgia, to what happened to the soldiers and officers after they mustered out in March 1862, concluding with the fate of prominent characters and sites. Appendices list the commands under which the 1st Georgia served during major events in its year of service, casualties in the unit, and a roster of the 1,331 men who served with the regiment.

Stormy Weather & Other Stories
By author: Lisa Alther
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H851
ISBN: 9780881463866
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $24.00
Stormy Weather & Other Stories is probably as close as Lisa Alther will ever come to writing an autobiography. These stories, written over the course of her career, are set in the three places that have meant the most to her—the Southern mountains, Vermont, and New York City. Most of these stories were published in journals or anthologies, though three are previously unpublished.

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