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“I Will Give Them One More Shot:” Ramsey’s 1st Regiment Georgia Volunteers
By author:
George Winston Martin
Publisher: Mercer University Press
ISBN: 9780881462197
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
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Description & Details
Beginning with the tumultuous events leading to Georgia's secession from the Union, “I Will Give Them One More Shot” follows the 1st Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiment, commanded by Colonel James N. Ramsey, as it travels from its formation at Macon, Georgia, to what happened to the soldiers and officers after they mustered out in March 1862, concluding with the fate of prominent characters and sites. Appendices list the commands under which the 1st Georgia served during major events in its year of service, casualties in the unit, and a roster of the 1,331 men who served with the regiment.
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