Professor Kee’s major study of the gospel of Mark has been hailed as “not only a major milestone in Markan studies by a methodological tour de force with far-reaching implication for New Testament Studies and for biblical studies as a whole” (Norman K. Gottwald).
Drawing on insights from sociological, literary, and historical methods, this book presents the meaning of Jesus for his followers within an apocalyptic community that is called to preach the gospel, to be ready to accept suffering, and to await vindication by God when Jesus is publicly revealed as Son of Man.
By comparing Mark with Jewish and Greek concepts and literary forms, the uniqueness of Mark is shown. The specific form of the community’s claim that Jesus is the Messiah and that he is God’s agent to establish the Kingdom are presented based on his claims, his parables, and his predictions of the destruction of the temple and the end of the age.
Norman Perrin suggested that this is “perhaps the most important work done on the gospel of Mark at the level of historical criticism in the past twenty years. It presents,” he added, “the gospel as the foundation document of an early Christian apocalyptic community, and it interprets it systematically within this hypothetical historical context. The result is breathtaking in its originality and very powerful indeed in its cumulative effect.”
Mercer University Press is happy to reissue this important volume (with some corrections), originally published by Westminster Press in 1977.
Howard Clark Kee is William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of Biblical Studies, Boston University.