The fourteen essays in this volume, written by contributors from eleven countries and representing five nationalities, were prepared in honor of Gwynne Henton Davies, Principal Emeritus of Regent’s Park College, Oxford. The essays, treating theological and literary questions relating to pre-exile Israel, are divided into four sections: Old Testament Hermeneutics; the Hexateuch; the Former Prophets and the Latter Prophets; and the Songs.
Norman Porteous, “The Limits of Old Testament Interpretation”
George Widengren, “What Do We Know about Moses?”
Roland deVaux, “The Revelation of the Divine Name YHWH”
J. Weingreen, “The Deuteronomic Legislator—a Proto-Rabbinic Type”
Otto Eissfeldt, “Gilgal or Shechem?”
J. R. Porter, “The Succession of Joshua”
D. R. Ap-Thomas, “All the King’s Horses?”
Ernst Würthwein, “Elisha at Horeb—Reflections on 1 Kings 19:9–18”
Walther Eichrodt, “Prophet and Covenant—Observations on the Exegesis of Isaiah”
John Bright, “Jeremiah’s Complaints—Liturgy or Expressions of Personal Distress?”
James Muilenburg, “Baruch the Scribe”
Henri Cazelles, “Shiloh, the Customary Laws, and the Return of the Ancient Kings”
A. R. Johnson, “Psalm 23 and the Household of Faith”
John I Durham, “Shalom and the Presence of God”
John I Durham is Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; J. R. Porter is Professor and head of the department of theology, University of Exeter.