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In this second volume in the series of lectures "on religion and the socail crisis" delivered under the auspices of the Luce Foundation and Wake Forest University, American social critics and religious thinkers enter into dialou=gue with the influential German theologian Jurgen Moltmann on the contribution of the Christian critique of culture to Christian witness in the modern world. In the setting of a four-day retreat at Fancy Gap, Virginia, professor Moltmann's paper and a wide ranging interview focus on the imperative goal of disarmament as a step toward controlling the spreading disease of war. His analysis finds more hope for an effective witness and action in the sects of thr Radical Reformation than in the "mainline" Christian denominiations. Professor Earl Shaw of the University of Minnesota responds with a rigorous criticism of Moltmann's theologocal method, while George Williamson of the Baptist Peace Fellowship joins Moltmann in turning his attention to contemporary political institutions. G. McLeod Bryan is professor of Christian ethics at wake Forest and is the author of several books, inclusing Dissenter in the Baptist Southland.