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Whether the researcher is a "participant observer" in a strange religious sect, or conduction experiments on a specific segment of the population under contract with a government agency, or working as an employee of a nursing home in order to study the relationships between the patients and the staff, or a student surveying the attitudes of other students on a potentially volatile issue, or a school psychologist planning a long term study of student alcohol and drug abuse, both the methods and the uses of social research generate endless and and compelling ethical quandaries. Studying People addresses theses conundrums in a series of fictional but quite realistic case histories "in which researchers must make choices about whether to continue a study or how to proceed." Through commentary on the cases the authors "raise a variety of ethical issues, define some basic ethical concepts, and offer a perspective." Written in a remarkably clear and lively style free of academic and technical jargon, Studying People is destined to become a primary textbook in applied ethics for the social sciences. Robert D Reece , a ethicist, and Harvey A. Siegal, a sociologist, study people and teach them in the Department of Medicine in Society of the Wright State University School of Medicine in Dayton, Ohio.