Product Code: H723
ISBN: 9780881460315
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $50.00
Christian Discouses contains some of Kierkegaard’s most constructive religious and social thought, founded on his deepening appreciation of the ambiguity of our common human situation before a loving yet commanding God. Christian Discourses is a collection of provocative arguments and insights which should redefine the approach to Kierkegaard’s “attack on Christendom” and provoke a useful debate about the significance of his “second literature.”
Product Code: H728
ISBN: 9780881460483
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $50.00
Product Code: P233
ISBN: 9780865548329
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: Not currently available. ( Backorder policy)
Price: $40.00
Product Code: H669
ISBN: 9780865549302
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $50.00
A commentary on Practice in Christianity, the second volume in what could be called the “collected Works” of “Anti-Climacus,” Kierkegaard’s new pseudonym. Anti-Climacus argues the conceptual content of Christianity against the “leading thought of the times” and also against the ethical and social import of the comforts and consolations of bourgeois culture and “Christendom.” Kierkegaards presents Christianity as it must be thought and lived if it is to be authentic.
Product Code: H625
ISBN: 9780865548244
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $50.00
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H812
ISBN: 9780881462135
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $50.00
Kierkegaard wrote four reflections on his literary production: On My Work as an Author, The Point of View for My Work as an Author, “The Single Individual,” and Armed Neutrality, but he published only the first. The essays in this volume of International Kierkegaard Commentary examine these writings not just as a public “report to history” but also as a revelation of Kierkegaard’s deepest understanding of himself as an author.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H795
ISBN: 9780881461602
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $50.00
On 18 December 1854 Kierkegaard began to publish a series of newspaper articles critical of the Danish state church. The essays in this IKC volume view these writings not only in the context of the theological, philosophical, and social events of that time but also the 2005-2006 Danish cartoon controversy.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H770
ISBN: 9780881461275
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $50.00
The Book on Adler is Kierkegaard’s most revised manuscript, his longest unpublished book, and the book of which he left the most drafts. When he decided not to publish the book, he pulled a chapter (“The Difference between a Genius and an Apostle”) and published it in Two Ethical-Religious Essays (1849). All this rowing and backwatering show the complexity of his personal involvement in this book and concern for the person of Adler.
Product Code: H360
ISBN: 9780865544703
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $50.00
The present collection of essays treats the issues raised in Either/Or in fresh and perceptive ways. Even where familiar themes are argued, the authors introduce innovative interpretive models, new approaches and new materials are appealed to, or new rebuttal arguments against previously held positions are offered. Several of the articles appropriate or criticize methods or insights derived from postmodernism and/or feminist philosophy.
Product Code: P371
ISBN: 9780881460926
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $40.00
Product Code: H654
ISBN: 9780865548794
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $50.00
Product Code: P500
ISBN: 9780881465181
Price: $40.00
Fear and Trembling continues to fascinate and frustrate all who find, for many reasons, that they must struggle with it. Not only 'professional intellectuals,' but students and other seekers perennially wrestle with it, working their way through its difficult dialectic. Both philosophers and theologians are provoked by the prominence of typically Kierkegaardian terms, categories, and arguments—paradox, resignation, faith, the absurd, the individual, the poet, immediacy, the ethical, leap, offence, silence, and others. In Fear and Trembling Kierkegaard challenges many of our modern assumptions, and he will continue to frustrate and fascinate us for so long as we attempt to sort out ourselves and our times. IKC 6 includes the first collection of essays to concentrate the talents of a number of scholars on Kierkegaard's obscure little book Repetition which is, in a word, about hope. Kierkegaard suggests that in the midst of our epistemological errors, the weakness and/or arrogance of our wills, and in making fools of ourselves, or being made fools of, there is everlasting hope for us. Repetition indeed goes to the heart of the matter, to the core of human existence.