By author: Susie Gardner Illustrated by: Tina Mullen
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H924
ISBN: 9780881465907
Price: $16.00
Zoey has always been the star of the team. She believes she can win games all by herself. But when a new coach arrives, Zoey must learn that it takes more than one player to make a team.
This read-aloud book follows one young athlete as she learns how much better it is when all players work together. 1, 2, 3 TEAM! will have your listeners yelling “TEAM” in unison before the final page.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H955
ISBN: 9780881466768
Price: $45.00
This biography concentrates on the numerous legislative and diplomatic achievements of U.S. Senator Walter F. George (fl. 1922-1957), the son of a tenant farmer, who rose to become one of the most powerful men in the United States. His successes as a legislator (agricultural legislation, vocational education, work on the Bricker Amendment) and later in his role as a major authority on foreign policy made him a leader in the Senate.
In his thirty-five year Senate career, George worked though the "Roaring Twenties," the Great Depression, American rearmament, World War II, and the Cold War. George made a positive mark on each of these historic events.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H992
ISBN: 9780881467550
Price: $45.00
In the winter of 1921, fifteen prominent colleges and universities met in Atlanta, Georgia, to form a new organization to promote intercollegiate athletics competition. That organization, soon to become known as the Southern Conference, remains a strong and viable member of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) 100 years later. This is the first definitive history of the SoCon, utilizing many rarely-before-seen photos, researched via official league records and minutes, and filled with features and highlights in an easy-to-read format. There's also a detailed look at the present conference membership, which is a remarkably diverse combination of state and private institutions, as well as two military colleges.
Product Code: H608
ISBN: 9780865548053
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: Not currently available. ( Backorder policy)
Price: $25.00
Product Code: H739
ISBN: 9780881460803
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $25.00
This Festschrift celebrates the life, ministry, and academic career of Edmon Lewin Rowell, Jr.. His life has been dedicated to both the church (through numerous churches he has served) and the academy (as an editor for more than twenty-seven years at Mercer University Press).
Product Code: H652
ISBN: 9780865549852
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $25.00
For more than twenty-five years, R. Kirby Godsey has been a regular in the Chapel Services at Mercer University as a proclaimer of the Word. Collected for the first time, these meditations reveal a vision for the Christian living out one’s faith in the world. Godsey’s unique perspective requires that the hearer/reader be a critical thinker in their faith. These meditations serve as a clarion call for faithful and radical discipleship and honesty.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P436
ISBN: 9780881462623
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $20.00
Father Mercer tells the story of the life and labors of Jesse Mercer, a leader in Georgia Baptist life during the first half of the nineteenth century. Yet, rather than telling the story of a larger-than-life pastor with whom few “ordinary” pastors can identify, the books reveals how one who is faithful in small things can, over time, bear much fruit for the Lord.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P439
ISBN: 9780881462678
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $25.00
“The ball was round, the equipment was homemade, and the rules were uncertain, but that game the boys were playing on the lawn at Mercer University in 1892 was football.” Thus begins this colorful history of football at Mercer University. This volume describes in sharp and clear detail the history and evolution of college football as played by the Mercer University team from 1892–1942. After a seventy-year hiatus, the Mercer Bears will once again take the field in the fall of 2013.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P717
ISBN: 9780881469660
Price: $25.00
From fostering a deep appreciation for other cultures and human experiences to becoming more empathetic, self-assured, generous, open-minded, reflective, adaptable, and analytical, while gaining a deeper understanding of one's identity and culture, studying abroad has left an indelible mark on Mercer University students.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P668
ISBN: 9780881468878
Price: $35.00
Mercer University School of Law's "Inside the Legal Profession" series, a required part of the Mercer curriculum, consists of hour-long interviews with distinguished members of the bench and bar, with the entire first-year class in attendance. Presented here is a collection of eleven of the most memorable interviews in the series.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P532
ISBN: 9780881465761
Price: $20.00
In a world composed of almost seven billion people, about 2.2 billion of them claim to be Christian. And while Christianity is continuing to grow at a modest rate, other religions are growing at a faster pace. Some scholars predict that Islam will overtake Christianity as the world’s largest religion by the middle of the twenty-first century. Predictions aside, religions are competing for the world stage, and in the competition, Christians seem certain that God is on their side. Christians often think and behave as though God is a Christian.
This book is written to ask if that assumption is true and to foster a more open conversation about other world religions. The world has grown too small and the stakes for mankind have grown too high for any of us to engage our faith as if our understanding of God represents the only way God’s presence may be known in the world.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1047
ISBN: 9780881469387
Price: $60.00
This folio of more than two hundred-fifty photographs with a foreword by President William D. Underwood and accompanying text by Gordon Johnston celebrates Georgia's oldest private university. Mercer University enrolls more than 9,000 students each academic year in twelve colleges and schools on campuses in Macon, Atlanta, Savannah, and Columbus, and at centers in Henry and Douglas Counties.