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“The Showy Town of Savannah”: The Story of the Architect William Jay
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H965
ISBN: 9780881466898
Availability: In stock
Price: $40.00
In December 1817, the English architect William Jay arrived at the busy port of Savannah, Georgia. In the coming four and a half years, he designed several public buildings and private residences in Savannah and a few structures in Charleston, South Carolina. All of his work was remarkable; yet, soon after his departure in 1822, only vague recollections of Jay survived in Savannah, and in Charleston he was forgotten altogether. Early in the twentieth century, Jay’s work was observed by a few prominent architectural historians, and accounts of his life and labors began to appear. He suffered many disappointments, but he gained remarkable achievements, not least of which was his lasting imprint on “showy Savannah.”

A Giant from Georgia: The Life of U.S. Senator Walter F. George, 1878-1957
By author: Jamie H. Cockfield
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H955
ISBN: 9780881466768
Availability: In stock
Price: $45.00
This biography concentrates on the numerous legislative and diplomatic achievements of U.S. Senator Walter F. George (fl. 1922-1957), the son of a tenant farmer, who rose to become one of the most powerful men in the United States. His successes as a legislator (agricultural legislation, vocational education, work on the Bricker Amendment) and later in his role as a major authority on foreign policy made him a leader in the Senate. In his thirty-five year Senate career, George worked though the "Roaring Twenties," the Great Depression, American rearmament, World War II, and the Cold War. George made a positive mark on each of these historic events.

A Miracle of Grace: An Autobiograpgy
By author: E. Glenn Hinson
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H856
ISBN: 9780881463941
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
This is the story of Glenn Hinson’s life—A Miracle of Grace— “for I stand with mouth agape as I look back from where I am at age eighty toward where my story began.” With degrees from some of the world’s most noted schools (Washington University in St Louis, Southern Seminary, Oxford University), Hinson has taught in some of America’s most distinguished educational institutions (Southern Seminary, Wake Forest University, Catholic University of America, Notre Dame, Emory University), and has played a modest role in some of the most momentous ecumenical developments in Christian history since the Reformation of the sixteenth century. Who could have foreseen much less predicted any of those happenings from a glance at his early years growing up in dire poverty in the Missouri Ozarks during the Great Depression?

A Never-Ending Groove: Johnny Sandlin’s Musical Odyssey
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H839
ISBN: 9780881462760
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $30.00
Referred to by the late Jerry Wexler as one of the men most responsible for the Southern Rock sound that came out of Macon, Georgia, in the ’70s, Johnny Sandlin’s music career began in the early ’60s playing with many legendary musicians, including fellow HourGlass band members, Paul Hornsby, Pete Carr and Gregg and Duane Allman. A Capricorn studio rhythm section player, he later became a recording engineer, producer and vice-president of Capricorn Records and head of A&R. Sandlin also produced, mixed, and mastered albums for the Allman Brothers Band, Gregg Allman, Gregg and Cher, Richard Betts, Johnny Jenkins, Elvin Bishop, Wet Willie, Bonnie Bramlett, Alex Taylor, Cowboy, Delbert McClinton, Widespread Panic and many others.

A Second Blooming: Becoming the Women We are Meant to Be
Edited by: Susan Cushman   Foreword by: Anne Lamott
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P542
ISBN: 9780881466126
Availability: In stock
Price: $18.00
A SECOND BLOOMING is a collection of essays by twenty-one authors who are emerging from the chrysalis they built for their younger selves and transforming into the women they are meant to be. They are not all elders, but all have embraced the second half of their lives with a generative spirit. These women of all ages have made it over a wall to find their true selves. As Agatha Christie says of the second blooming, “…a whole new life has opened before you…. It is as if a fresh sap of ideas and thoughts was rising in you.”

A Titanic Love Story: Ida and Isidor Straus
By author: June Hall McCash
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H840
ISBN: 9780881462777
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $29.00
This book traces the life of Isidor and Ida Straus, both German Jewish immigrants who arrived as children in America in the early 1850s. Isidor’s father, Lazarus, was an itinerate peddler in Georgia, but within one generation the family became the wealthy owners of Macy’s Department Store in New York. A Titanic Love Story follows the Strauses’ life from Talbotton, Georgia, where an anti-Semitic incident caused them to move to nearby Columbus. The devastation of Columbus at the end of the Civil War brought the family to New York, where Isidor met and eventually married the young Ida Blun. The Strauses were wealthy Jews within their New York community, and as people committed to the welfare of their family, their city, their country, and those less fortunate than themselves, they dealt with their own grief, illness, and occasional brushes with anti-Semitism. Ironically, their final happy days in the south of France lead to their unexpected sailing on the Titanic.

A Tramp’s Wallet
By author: Sam Pickering
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P424
ISBN: 9780881462357
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
In A Tramp’s Wallet, Sam Pickering spends six months roaming Australia and New Zealand, tramping landscapes pocked by sheep stations, art galleries and bakeries, and always libraries, their dusty shelves troves quick with life and literature. The saunterings of one of America’s best and most popular essayists stretch the seams of A Tramp’s Wallet. Far from the hoes and saws that prune days into convention, life flourishes, and this book is weedy and rankly rich with thought and description. “Lord,” St. Odo of Cluny said on his deathbed, “I have loved the beauty of thy house.” Pickering records his love of that house, and, if truth must out, his love for a few neglected out buildings—barns and backhouses, even the ramshakled huts of thought.

A White Liberal College President in the Jim Crow South: Guy Herbert Wells and the YWCA at Georgia State College for Women, 1934-1953
By author: Sandra E. Godwin   With: Helen Matthews Lewis
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1006
ISBN: 9780881467901
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
Guy Herbert Wells, president of Georgia State College for (white) Women, learned to manage the tension between holding true to his own values, which more closely resembled those of students in the YWCA, while working for a state system that upheld white supremacy. A 1935 YWCA interracial event became the catalyst for his first lesson on how to manage this tension.

Above and Beyond: The Mason Family and the Transformation of Gwinnett County
By author: Catherine M. Lewis
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1048
ISBN: 9780881469455
Availability: In stock
Price: $27.00
Gwinnett County, northeast of Atlanta, Georgia, has been one of the fastest growing counties in the nation since the 1980s. ABOVE AND BEYOND tells the story of that growth through one of its most significant families--the Masons.

Allman Joy: Keeping the Beat with Duane and Gregg
By author: Bill Connell, John Lynskey   Foreword by: Chuck Leavell
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P675
ISBN: 9780881469004
Availability: In stock
Price: $26.00
A native of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Bill Connell began drumming as a teenager, and worked his way through the burgeoning Tuscaloosa music scene. A passing encounter with the brothers Allman in 1966 led to Connell being offered the drummer's chair in The Allman Joys. The day after high school graduation at age seventeen, he found himself headed to New York City's Greenwich Village to join the band.

An Edgefield Planter and His World: The 1840s Journals of Whitfield Brooks
By author: James O. Farmer Jr.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H968
ISBN: 9780881466928
Availability: In stock
Price: $40.00
AN EDGEFIELD PLANTER AND HIS WORLD opens a window on the life of an elite family and its circle in a now iconic place, during a crystalizing decade of the Antebellum era. By the time he began a new diary volume in 1840, Brooks (1790-1851) was among the richest men in a South Carolina district known for its cotton-and-slave-generated wealth. His journal reveals Brooks’s attentiveness to his plantation and farms, self-image as a paternal master, religious sensibility, genteel but honor-bound bearing, personal and family connections, perspective on politics, and the effects of debilitating headaches.

An Officer of the Old Guard: Lewis Stevenson Craig, 1807–1852
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H995
ISBN: 9780881467642
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
From battling Seminoles in Florida's swamps to storming through Old Mexico's fortified towns, Lewis Stevenson Craig served as an exemplar of the U.S. Army's burgeoning professional officer corps. An early officer to make the army a career, Craig was to die with his boots on, commanding the military escort of John Russell Bartlett's U.S.-Mexican Boundary Commission. As presented in this book, Craig's story is told, unspoiled by present-mindedness, through deep research into the original sources which include Virginia family papers and court files, U.S. military records, and Craig's own letters and journals, most from a heretofore untouched family archive.

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