Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P424
ISBN: 9780881462357
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $25.00
In A Tramp’s Wallet, Sam Pickering spends six months roaming Australia and New Zealand, tramping landscapes pocked by sheep stations, art galleries and bakeries, and always libraries, their dusty shelves troves quick with life and literature. The saunterings of one of America’s best and most popular essayists stretch the seams of A Tramp’s Wallet. Far from the hoes and saws that prune days into convention, life flourishes, and this book is weedy and rankly rich with thought
and description. “Lord,” St. Odo of Cluny said on his deathbed, “I have loved the beauty of thy house.” Pickering records his love of that house, and, if truth must out, his love for a few neglected out buildings—barns and backhouses, even the ramshakled huts of thought.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P660
ISBN: 9780881468717
Price: $20.00
John Lane continues his exploration of the intersection of the human imagination with the world of other animals. Each of these fifteen pieces--some more formal essays, some journalism, and some stories of Lane's encounters with wild animals in wild places--explores the diversity and the mystery of what's often been called "the more than human world."
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1001
ISBN: 9780881467758
Price: $29.00
From the mid-eighteenth through the early twentieth centuries, the waterways of coastal Georgia from the St. Marys River in the south to the Savannah River in the north were an integral part of the state's economy, vital to the trade in cotton, rice, timber, naval stores, and other products shipped to ports in America and around the world. Georgia's barrier islands are today the site of five existing lighthouses, each with its own unique style, history, and role in events over the past decades and centuries.
Product Code: P362
ISBN: 9780881460490
Product Format: Paperback
Availability: Not currently available. ( Backorder policy)
Price: $16.00
This second collection of stories and adventures by local television personality Suzanne Lawler has been gathered from glimpses of billboards, travels on many roads, conversations with friends, and encounters with some of the most interesting individuals and places in Central Georgia.
Product Code: P457
ISBN: 9780881463934
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $20.00
Restless Fires provides a detailed rendering of John Muir’s thousand-mile walk to the Gulf based on both manuscript and published accounts. Hunt particularly examines the development of Muir’s environmental thought as a young adult.
This is one of the first books on John Muir’s thousand-mile walk that places his journey in the context of the Civil War and Reconstruction, to which Muir gave only passing witness.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P708
ISBN: 9780881460179
Price: $20.00
On the heels of a global pandemic, two post-menopausal Appalachian women, one black, one white, abandoned hearth, home, and spouses shrugging in dubious wonderment to live and study abroad together in a university flat along Scotland's River Ayr. Poet E.J. Wade and author Karen Spears Zacharias roamed from the depths of Finnich Glen to the outcroppings of Dunure Castle. THE DEVIL'S PULPIT & OTHER MOSTLY TRUE SCOTTISH MISADVENTURES is part travelogue, part memoir, part poetry, and in outlandish Scottish storytelling tradition, a wee bit of winging it.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P482
ISBN: 9780881464801
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $25.00
In his ninth book, THE PINKEST PARTY ON EARTH, Macon newspaper columnist Ed Grisamore tells the story of how a city wraps itself in pink each spring and has become the cherry blossom capital of the world, with more than 300,000 flowering cherry trees.