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MUP Catalogs

Human Church in the Presence of Christ, The: The Congregation Rediscovered

By author: Victor L. Hunter, Phillip Johnson
Product Code: H161
ISBN: 9780865541719
Product Format: Hardback
Availability:Not currently available.
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Price: $35.00

Out of their experiences as Christian ministers in New York and London and their continuing encounter with Scripture and theology, Victor L. Hunter and Phillip Johnson offer creative and vital theological reflections on the life of the local church. Their church is not merely a source of personal renewal, nor is it an abstract, idealized, “invisible church,” or a bureaucratic denomination; it is, rather, “the gathered people of God” in a local, particular congregation, “where person faces person in the presence of Jesus.” The doctrine of the Incarnation-“that the Word became flesh at a particular time and place”-lies, the author tells us, “at the heart of the Christian vision.” For them, the central question is “how the Christian congregation can be a concrete sign of such love in our particular time and place.”
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