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Christmas Gift!
By author: Ferrol Sams
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H810
ISBN: 9780881462111
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
Interweaving his memories of boyhood Christmases in the dark days of the Depression and the details of present-day holidays with his grandchildren, Ferrol Sams demonstrates the deep, inescapable role of rituals in our lives and the importance of passing them on to each succeeding generation. Includes audio CD read by the author.

Clarence Jordan: A Radical Pilgrimage in Scorn of the Consequences
By author: Frederick L. Downing   Foreword by: Walter Brueggemann
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H943
ISBN: 9780881466324
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
Using a corpus of family letters, his FBI file, and a series of interviews, Frederick L. Downing portrays Clarence Jordan as a pioneer (on the frontier of the New South), a prophet, and a moral exemplar. As a New Testament Greek scholar and founder of Koinonia Farm, there were two distinctive poles to the prophetic nature of Jordan’s life and work: one which sought to critique and dismantle the status quo, and the other which attempted to evoke a new way of being.

Combat Chaplain: The Life and Civil War Experiences of Rev. James H. McNeilly
By author: M. Todd Cathey
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H947
ISBN: 9780881466379
Availability: In stock
Price: $35.00
Born 9 June 1838, James H. McNeilly grew up near Charlotte in Dickson County, Tennessee. At age thirteen, McNeilly was sworn in as deputy circuit court clerk of Dickson County. Raised in a devout Presbyterian home, he received his undergraduate degree from Jackson College in Columbia, Tennessee. Just as the Civil War broke out, he had earned his Doctor of Divinity from Danville Theological Seminary at Danville, Kentucky. As McNeilly returned home to Dickson County, in the summer of 1861, he preached on Sunday and recruited troops for the Confederacy during the week. In October 1861, McNeilly traveled to nearby Fort Donelson, where he offered his services to the South.

Coming into Animal Presence
By author: John Lane
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P660
ISBN: 9780881468717
Availability: In stock
Price: $20.00
John Lane continues his exploration of the intersection of the human imagination with the world of other animals. Each of these fifteen pieces--some more formal essays, some journalism, and some stories of Lane's encounters with wild animals in wild places--explores the diversity and the mystery of what's often been called "the more than human world."

Cook & Celebrate: A Collection of Southern Holiday & Party Culinary Traditions
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P673
ISBN: 9780881468953
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
Barrett takes readers from the Commonwealth of Virginia, down to the Carolina and Georgia Lowcountry, over to Mobile Bay, and on jaunts in between to showcase the favorite dishes (and the stories behind them) Southerners use to fete the holidays, and one another. COOK & CLEBRATE is a wonderful, delectable, and nostalgic read that will invoke warm, festive memories and inspire you to celebrate life in the kitchen.

Cook & Tell: Recipes and Stories from Southern Kitchens
Edited by: Johnathon Scott Barrett   Foreword by: Mary Kay Andrews
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H938
ISBN: 9780881466225
Availability: In stock
Price: $28.00
Johnathon Scott Barrett takes you on yet another delicious sojourn in his latest work, COOK & TELL: RECIPES AND STORIES FROM SOUTHERN KITCHENS, a moveable feast across Dixie showcasing the incredible food created in the homes of the South and the resulting tales that accompany those heartwarming dishes. Stops along the way include such food-rich cities as Savannah and Nashville, as well as the small hamlets of Millingport, North Carolina, and Nanafalia, Alabama, where farm-to-table food still has a prominent spot on the dining table. And in this warm and engaging anthology, Barrett includes not only his own entertaining stories and meaningful recipes but also those of friends met along the way. Some accounts come from family and hometown cooks, while others are from award-winning chefs and authors.

Cracker Cavaliers: The 2nd Georgia Cavalry Under Wheeler and Forrest
By author: John Randolph Poole
Product Code: P496
ISBN: 9780881465112
Availability: In stock
Price: $25.00
From the first conflict under General Nathan Bedford Forrest at Murfreesboro in 1862 to the desperate and often brutal battles with Union cavalry in the Carolinas during 1865, the 2nd Georgia was almost constantly in action. While the 2nd Georgia fought in such famous campaigns as Perryville, Stones River, Chickamauga, Knoxville, Resaca, Atlanta, and Bentonville, they also participated in deadly encounters at Farmington, Mossy Creek, Noonday Creek, Sunshine Church, and Waynesboro. Many of these conflicts are obscure to all but the most ardent Civil War historians. Returning in paperback, this is the first regimental history of a Georgia Cavalry regiment ever published. The 2nd Georgia served under both Nathan Beford Forrest and Joe Wheeler, and campaigned not only on home turf, but literally on the farm acreages of many of the unit's members.

Crackers: A Southern Memoir
By author: Bill Merritt
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P529
ISBN: 9780881465723
Availability: In stock
Price: $18.00
Bill Merritt grew up in Atlanta, Georgia during the turbulent years between the end of World War II and the Vietnam War. A joyously unreconstructed Southerner, he looks on with amazement as Atlanta changes from a sleepy Southern town into the City Too Busy to Hate. This was the time of Martin Luther King and Ivan Allen, but also the time of Lester Maddox, the Temple Bombing, great moral certainties, Elvis, Klan rallies, the Cuban Missile Crisis, a corrupt political system keeping some of America’s finest statesmen in office (some since the Teddy Roosevelt administration), and a man named Armstrong walking on the moon. Merritt’s family is eccentric and colorful, occasionally courageous, often self-centered. This is the story of the way the Civil Rights Revolution looked to Southerners: to decent people trying to honor their heritage while realizing the time had come to let go of parts of that heritage, and how difficult that letting go was made by the outsiders who most wanted change. This is the story the way Southerners remember it—and tell each other.

Cracking the Solid South: The Life of John Fletcher Hanson, Father of Georgia Tech
By author: Lee C. Dunn
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H912
ISBN: 9780881465624
Print on Demand title
Price: $35.00
John Fletcher Hanson was a rare combination of industrialist, journalist, and orator who spent most of his life in Macon, Georgia, rising from the ashes of the Civil War to become the leading voice of the New South. Many have assigned that role to Henry Grady, but while Grady was talking about a New South, Hanson was building one, by creating jobs, promoting Southern industrialization, and advancing educational opportunities. Georgia’s post–Civil War history cannot be fully understood without examining the life of J. F. Hanson, its most important New South advocate and industrialist. In bringing this remarkable man and his accomplishments to light for the first time, CRACKING THE SOLID SOUTH paints an absorbing picture of the economic, political, and social struggles that confronted Georgia after the Civil War and of the many ways one man shaped the course of the state’s history.

Darien: the Death and Rebirth of a Southern Town
By author: Spencer B. King Jr.
Product Code: H006
ISBN: 9780865540033
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: Not currently available. (Backorder policy)
Price: $35.00
Spencer B. King tells the story of how the town of Darien was consumed by fire in June 1863. He describes the fire not only as the tangible flames that burned the town to the ground, but also as an expression of the uncontrollable hatred in the hearts of the Darien residents after the loss of their homes.

Day by Day through the Civil War in Georgia
By author: Michael K. Shaffer
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1019
ISBN: 9780881468243
Availability: In stock
Price: $37.00
Until now, a daily account (1,630 days) of Georgia's social, political, economic, and military events during the Civil War did not exist. During the 160 years since the conflict's termination, many fine accounts of wartime Georgia have rolled off various presses. Each daily entry derives from a quill scrolling the parchment or a press imprinting type on the day the activity occurred. Maps, footnotes, a detailed index, and bibliographical references will aid those wanting more.

Dear Old Roswell : Civil War Letters of the King Family of Roswell, Georgiah623
By author: Tammy Galloway
Product Code: H614
ISBN: 9780865548114
Product Format: Hardback
Print on Demand title
Price: $35.00
The King family, spread between Roswell, Georgia, and Virginia, faced the perils of the Civil War on different fronts. These correspondences will captivate the reader as they cover Barrington S. King, a Lieutenant Colonel in Cobb’s Legion, leaves his home in Georgia to fight in Virginia.

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