Product Code: H901
ISBN: 9780881465242
Price: $35.00
This unique book, originally published in a limited edition in 1982 and out of print for many years, is the most comprehensive collection of Civil War letters written by residents of Southeastern Alabama and Southwestern Georgia to be published.
Poignant in emotion, informative in detail, and broad in scope, the correspondence contained here provides us with a unique opportunity to understand the Civil War and its effect on individuals and families from an intensely personal perspective. The writers, the great majority of them unlettered and expressing themselves in a disarmingly honest manner in their heartfelt missives, collectively paint a compelling portrait of a watershed moment in national history from a regional viewpoint. They make well-known events tangible and lesser-known sidebars illuminating.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H886
ISBN: 9780881464931
Price: $29.00
Filled with colorful details and rich with photographs of the author's life, It Is Written is a beautifully written page-turner about how one person turns the raw materials of life into art.
Over a thirty-year career as a published author of fiction, poetry, and essays, Philip Lee Williams has become one of the South's most-honored writers. Now, Williams tells the story of his creative life in an open, jaunty, and often hilarious autobiography.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H920
ISBN: 9780881465860
Price: $35.00
In 1975, Jimmy Carter announced he would run for President. Under the new Federal Election Laws only $21.8 million would be provided for the General Election Campaign. A trivial amount compared to future campaigns.
An army of loyal supporters, friends, neighbors, and elected officials, known as the Peanut Brigade, joined the campaign. They traveled across the country, joining Jimmy and Rosalynn, knocking on doors, standing at factory gates, walking streets, asking voters to vote for Jimmy Carter for President. In 1976, Carter was elected the 39th President of the United States and served one term.
While the basics of his story are well known, they have never been told from the perspective of a “soldier” in the Peanut Brigade. Dorothy “Dot” Padgett, with an earthy, honest, and Southern voice, tells the story as if new to all of us. Humor and insight abound in this direct telling of how a peanut farmer from Georgia became President and leader of the United States. The secret is in his character, his morality, and in his being truly human.
Product Code: HH1051
ISBN: 9780881469608
Price: $45.00
Joshua Hill served in the United States House of Representatives prior to the Civil War and strongly opposed secession. During the War he ran for governor as the so-called peace candidate and later met with William T. Sherman in peace negotiations that failed. In November 1864 when the March to the Sea reached his hometown, Hill interceded with the Union command and earned his legendary, if sometimes exaggerated, title as the man who saved Madison, the village "too pretty to burn." Bradley R. Rice's meticulous research has produced a long overdue account of the life and times of the man who was, as his gravestone reads, "a staunch southern friend of the Union."
Product Code: P504
ISBN: 9780881465259
Product Format: Paperback
Price: $18.00
Good ole boy Dickie Frye vanishes from the Georgia hills and the urbane Fletcher Carlyle bursts onto the New York publishing scene, winning the Nobel Prize for literature. But when a psychotic rampage lands Carlyle in Weatherhaven, eminent psychologist Anton Kohl finds himself talking to Dickie Frye. Kohl’s instincts tell him Frye is not lying—but what he says can’t possibly be true. A fallen priest comes out of Sumerian mythology, the love of Kohl’s life comes out of his past, and a chicken comes out of a posh apartment on Central Park West to meet his fate. Anton Kohl’s carefully constructed world is about to be deconstructed.One part fable and one part Southern yarn, Kiss of the Jewel Bird soars from ancient Mesopotamia to modern-day Manhattan, rewriting history and opening a window onto a wider, more magical world, where the path to destiny is anything but straight.
Product Code: H882
ISBN: 9780881464757
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $29.00
More than five dozen regiments from Georgia fought for the Southern Confederacy; one of these was the 66th Georgia Infantry. Raised and commanded by early-war veteran James Cooper Nisbet, the 66th assembled at Macon in summer 1863, suffered through a winter of discontent in Dalton, charged into enemy fire at Peach Tree Creek and Atlanta, and slogged through the rain and mud of Franklin and Nashville before surrendering. LAST TO JOIN THE FIGHT offers not a noble epic about valiant fighting men, but rather the bloody-ground truths about the Civil War from the vantage point of those who entered it towards the end.
Product Code: H696
ISBN: 9780865549777
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $25.00
What you do not know about Georgia’s greatest athletes and some of its leading citizens you will learn in Gene Asher’s Legends. These and formerly untold stories of Georgia Bulldog immortal Charley Trippi, eighty-six-year-old Furman Bisher, who continues to be one of the most prolific sports columnists in America, and Lee Burge, the man who went from the mailroom to the boardroom of Equifax are among many other sports and civic greats included in Gene Asher’s Legends.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1007
ISBN: 9780881467963
Price: $25.00
LIFE LESSONS covers topics of the heart and mind, often with related stories from the Scriptures. Ninety concise and to-the-point chapters speak to everyday topics we all may experience on any given day from dawn to bedtime. There are stories that will transport you back to your youth and then bring you back to the present with a jolt or two of truth. The chapters cover feelings and insights from both secular and Biblical standpoints and often offer a humorous touch to subjects we all enjoy.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: H841
ISBN: 9780881462784
Product Format: Hardback
Price: $35.00
Life of Dreams is the first complete biography of Fred McFerrin Russell, one of the all-time stars in sports journalism. This biography details how the Vanderbilt man started with the Nashville Banner in the late 1920s, ascended to Sports Editor and remained with this paper loyally for sixty-nine years.
Russell built long-lasting relationships with coaches, players, and other writers in the business, and he wrote with a style that reflected his personality: fair, informative, and always with a sense of humor. He was a storyteller, whether it was athletes such as Bobby Jones or Red Grange; or coaches such as Red Sanders or Paul “Bear” Bryant, one of his closest friends. Outliving almost all of his contemporaries, Russell rubbed elbows with some of the greats of the twentieth century, with men such as Sparky Anderson, George Steinbrenner, Archie Manning, Vince Dooley, and Lou Holtz.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: HH1001
ISBN: 9780881467758
Price: $29.00
From the mid-eighteenth through the early twentieth centuries, the waterways of coastal Georgia from the St. Marys River in the south to the Savannah River in the north were an integral part of the state's economy, vital to the trade in cotton, rice, timber, naval stores, and other products shipped to ports in America and around the world. Georgia's barrier islands are today the site of five existing lighthouses, each with its own unique style, history, and role in events over the past decades and centuries.
Publisher: Mercer University Press
Product Code: P691
ISBN: 9780881469240
Price: $20.00
LOCAL SIGNS AND WONDERS is an essay collection describing how attachment to a family homestead creates a sense of wellbeing, fulfillment, and belonging. Richard Rankin lives on family property settled in the mid 1760s and farmed until the 1970s. The Rankin home place sits in a shrinking countryside about twenty miles west of fast-growing Charlotte, North Carolina. Despite rural decline and environmental peril, these essays show how staying on family land benefits personal wholeness, rich relationships with family, neighbors and wildlife, and service to creation.
By author: Robert L. Steed Illustrated by: Jack Davis
Product Code: H072
ISBN: 9780865540644
Product Format: Hardback
Availability: Not currently available. ( Backorder policy)
Price: $25.00
Robert L. Steed’s funniest collection of “Willard” columns here are enhanced by the illustrative skills of Jack Davis for all those who love Steed’s columns.